Increase demand planning accuracy for increased profit and leaner operations, and reduce risks to boost your competitive advantage.

Our solution offers precise forecasts, integrating multiple demand factors for comprehensive insights. We provide detailed demand projections for every product, store, and channel, enabling effective short and long-term planning.
Predictive Analytics
Here are a few examples of how we have helped our clients:

Optimize inventory levels, reduce overstocking/understocking costs, increase profitability through supply-demand alignment, with customizable dashboards and alerts for informed decision-making.

New Products or SKUs Recommendation
New Products or SKUs Recommendation
Identify new, high-potential SKUs for each distribution channel, expanding your sales opportunities alongside current offerings.

Optimal Outlet
Location Prediction
Optimal Outlet
Location Prediction
Enable businesses to select sites with the highest potential for sales, customer traffic, and profitability, minimizing investment risk and maximizing returns.

Our Past Success
Product placement and new SKU recommendation
- Implemented within 1 year, achieved payback period of only 4 months.
- Over “75%” of our recommended new SKUs delivered “over 100% revenue growth”.
- “31%” of our suggested SKUs have achieved repeating orders.
- Placing over 10 millions products per week.

- Implemented within 1 year, achieved payback period of only 4 months.
- Over “75%” of our recommended new SKUs delivered “over 100% revenue growth”.
- “31%” of our suggested SKUs have achieved repeating orders.
- Placing over 10 millions products per week.
Use case
Project Background
Our Approach

- Implemented within 1 year with a 6-month payback period.
- Reduced data processing time from 2 days to 4 hours.
- Revenues increased by over 300% compared to the old model.
- Placing more that 30,000 coolers per year.
Use case
Project Background
Our Approach